We were made to be lovers.

This lychee 
This lychee makes me want to cry
Such lushness, such fertility 
Juice bursting at the seams
What a perfumed fragrance and taste
Sweet yet something more,
Flowers and peaches. 

The flesh with enough nutrients to grow the next tree
That is what I eat -
The nutrients to grow an entire tree
In that bite
Liquid dripping down my lips
Making love with life

How was this earth so perfectly designed?
She doesn’t need so many seeds to reproduce and yet she creates so bountifully
Abundance and beauty and taste everywhere, why is that? What is the evolutionary purpose of this?

How is this earth so perfectly designed?
So many flavors, so many receptors in our tongue
It’s like we were made to be lovers,
Flavors and colors, our senses designed to receive this, what bliss and fortune!

How is this earth so perfectly designed?
Cycle of life, ants, fungus, decay, so perfectly circling
Animals so beautiful and wild to reflect us -
For us to see more of our nature, to play with and delight in,
More sides of Its nature, of Nature, of our nature, of Nature.

Sweet sour salty bitter perfume and so many more subtleties
We were designed for pleasure and joy!
Oh what Gods we have forgotten ourselves
Forgotten what bliss and pleasure we have designed for ourselves,
while we look in corners for suffering and forgetting
Come join me in this rejoicing!

*March 2018, Xilai, China

Nature, XilaiMina Lee