Research // Mapping
Funders of the Consciousness Movement
Who are the philanthropists of the movement? How do they define consciousness? What are they funding and why? How do they select their projects and measure success?
What are their greatest challenges and opportunities? What kind of community do they want? What do they think the ecosystem most needs overall to flourish?
1:1 Interviews with over 40 philanthropists.
Sponsored by the DBJ Foundation.
Living Experiment
Building Innerland 时观, the ‘Disneyland for Zen禅’
What does it look like to build a business from, of, and for love? By a community of practice, from a place of practice?
What does it look like to apply Chinese Chan 禅 principles to business?
What can we learn from the East in how they are modernizing ancient wisdom and catalyzing culture change?
Top learnings from my two month residency at the Xilai Chan (Zen) temple in China.