We are one drop falling to the Earth

Up there, light as a feather, yet to feel the pull of the earth,
As it falls, it gathers more wetness along the way, becoming heavier and heavier,
Moving faster now towards the earth,
Until it’s inevitable end, it’s splatter on the surface,
All the droplets collected to fall shatter again, 
Awaiting its return to the sky

And me like that feather of an idea of a droplet
Gathered you on the way down, 
And our combined weight pulled us deeper and faster toward the earth,
And all we are living in this brief moment of life is the falling, in our falling we are together and move faster to our inevitable end,
Death as the drop hits the earth, separated from You and returning to the sky until our next journey down. 
What a beautiful drop we became together, thank you for being on the same journey of falling with me, I could not have done it with out you 
